Breathless Whispers Presents Liz . . .

Breathless Whispers Liz


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There's a time and place for a seven-course gourmet meal but, sometimes, don't you crave the instant gratification of a fast-food burger? Likewise, sometimes you want to simply have a body-buster of an orgasm without all the buildup beforehand and the chit-chat afterwards. This is where I come in, just think of me as the fast food of phone sex, (insert giggle).

On a tight budget? Short on time? Just want it quick and easy?

Give me ten minutes and I'll give you everything you want and need. You'll be amazed how much kink you can stuff into a short time!

I'm a filthy, freaky, fetish and fun-loving mature woman who knows how to get down to the business of pleasure ...

and give you the most bang for your buck.

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